Sitecore 9 was announced at the recently held Sitecore Symposium 2017 and it comes with lots of new features and improvements. One of the major change to the platform is the way you install Sitecore on a server or local machine. The standard .exe installer has been replaced with a Windows PowerShell module which is called Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF). The SIF comes with Sitecore related pre-built tasks and configuration files to facilitate installation of Sitecore.

As a Sitecore enthusiast, I wanted to get my hands dirty with this new SIF module. After reading the official guide, I found out there were few pre-requites that were required even before running the SIF module. The 2 main ones were SQL Server 2016 and SOLR 6.6.1. In addition, the Solr instance must be running over https to make sure all the communication is secured.

The details of the installation process is given in the official guide but I will just mention few high level steps for local install:

Step 1: Configure and Install SOLR

So lets install Solr, sounds easy as I have done it few times before and I am sure you would have too. However, installing the secure certificate was bit tricky on localhost, but thanks to the Sitecore community, this SSL script from Kam’s blog worked like a charm and I had Solr 6.6.1 running over https in no time.

Step 2: Install SQL Server 2016

I had multiple versions of SQL Server (2012,2014) running side by side on my machine and installation of SQL Server 2016 Express wasn’t a problem as well. I ran the standard SQL Server 2016 installer and it was installed as expected (or I thought so).

Step 3 : Install Sitecore via SIF

As per the installation guide, I registered the SIF module via PowerShell and ran the following script: (I just added -Verbose at the end of each command so I can see the debug information during install)

#define parameters
$prefix = "xp0"
$PSScriptRoot = "C:\Resources"
$XConnectCollectionService = "$prefix.xconnect"
$sitecoreSiteName = "$"
$SolrUrl = "https://localhost:8989/solr"
$SolrRoot = "C:\data\Solr-6.6.1"
$SolrService = "Solr-6.6.1"
$SqlAdminUser = "sitecoreUser"
#install client certificate for xconnect
$certParams = @{
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\xconnect-createcert.json"
CertificateName = "$prefix.xconnect_client"
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @certParams -Verbose
#install solr cores for xdb
$solrParams = @{
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\xconnect-solr.json"
SolrUrl = $SolrUrl
SolrRoot = $SolrRoot
SolrService = $SolrService
CorePrefix = $prefix
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @solrParams -Verbose
#deploy xconnect instance
$xconnectParams = @{
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\xconnect-xp0.json"
Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.0 rev. 171002 (OnPrem)"
LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml"
Sitename = $XConnectCollectionService
XConnectCert = $certParams.CertificateName
SqlDbPrefix = $prefix
SqlServer = $SqlServer
SqlAdminUser = $SqlAdminUser
SqlAdminPassword = $SqlAdminPassword
SolrCorePrefix = $prefix
SolrURL = $SolrUrl
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @xconnectParams -Verbose
#install solr cores for sitecore
$solrParams = @{
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\sitecore-solr.json"
SolrUrl = $SolrUrl
SolrRoot = $SolrRoot
SolrService = $SolrService
CorePrefix = $prefix
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @solrParams -Verbose
#install sitecore instance
$xconnectHostName = "$prefix.xconnect"
$sitecoreParams = @{
Path = "$PSScriptRoot\sitecore-XP0.json"
Package = "$PSScriptRoot\Sitecore 9.0.0 rev. 171002 (OnPrem)"
LicenseFile = "$PSScriptRoot\license.xml"
SqlDbPrefix = $prefix
SqlServer = $SqlServer
SqlAdminUser = $SqlAdminUser
SqlAdminPassword = $SqlAdminPassword
SolrCorePrefix = $prefix
SolrUrl = $SolrUrl
XConnectCert = $certParams.CertificateName
Sitename = $sitecoreSiteName
XConnectCollectionService = "https://$XConnectCollectionService"
Install-SitecoreConfiguration @sitecoreParams -Verbose

view raw


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I was expecting it to install Sitecore 9, but after the first run I got this error:

[WebDeploy]:[Path] C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe
More Information: The SQL provider cannot run because of a missing dependency. Please make sure that Microsoft SQL Server Transact-SQL ScriptDom is installed. Learn more at:
Command start time: 20171023170201
PS>TerminatingError(Invoke-CommandTask): "The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code – (-1)"
>> TerminatingError(Invoke-CommandTask): "The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code – (-1)"
>> TerminatingError(Invoke-CommandTask): "The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code – (-1)"
Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero
exit code – (-1)
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path "C:\\resources\\sitecore-xp0.json"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-SitecoreConfiguration
Install-SitecoreConfiguration : Command C:\Program Files\iis\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe returned a non-zero exit code – (-1)
At line:1 char:1
+ Install-SitecoreConfiguration -Path "C:\\resources\\sitecore-xp0.json"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Install-SitecoreConfiguration

The error suggested that I have to install additional SQL server modules for Web Deploy to work, as given on the Microsoft’s website



The group of 3 errors listed above share the following diagnosis and resolution:

Diagnosis: SQL DAC and its dependencies are not installed.

Resolution: Use Web Platform Installer to install:

  1. Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Data-Tier Application Framework
  2. SQL Server 2012 Transact-SQL ScriptDom
  3. SQL Server System CLR Types 11.0

I installed the above dependencies and ran the script. It failed again with the same error message.

I was sure that my SQL server installation is correct and I have installed module related to ScriptDom but what is wrong with Web Deploy ?

Then I found this article on Sitecore KB for Sitecore Azure Toolkit 1.1 which mentioned to add registry values for the Web Deploy for DAC dependencies path.

I was bit skeptical at first but decided to go ahead with this approach. I added the 2 registry values via regedit. For one of the values, I have to point the path to the recently installed SQL Server 2016 SDK folder. For the second registry value, I have to point the path towards VS 2015 DAC folder. I do want to mention here I also had multiple versions of VS (2013, 2015 and 2017) installed on my local machine.

The registry values were:

DacFxDependenciesPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\SDK\Assemblies

DacFxPath : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\SQLDB\DAC\130

The actual screen shot of the registry values for Web Deploy:

Ran the script again and BOOM! it worked.

So it turns out since I had multiple version of SQL servers and also multiple versions of VS installed on my local machine, the Web Deploy 3.6 was not able to figure out what is the path for the SQL dependency dlls to install the SQL DAC packages for Sitecore 9.

By the way, if you are installing Sitecore 9 for the first time,  Do check out the following posts:
How to Install Sitecore 9 with the Sitecore Install Framework 
Gotchas while installing Sitecore 9 using the Sitecore installation framework

The lazy developer’s way to install Sitecore 9
Introducing SIF-less for Easy Sitecore 9 Installation
Low-effort SOLR Installs 

I hope this blog will help any other developer facing the same error.

Happy Sitecoring 🙂

15 thoughts on “Sitecore 9 SIF installation error : ERROR_SCRIPTDOM_NEEDED_FOR_SQL_PROVIDER

  1. Thanks dude great post!
    In my case all files were in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin and used this path for both registry entries. I also have several VS and SQL installs.

  2. Thanks Naveed. I got stuck on exactly the same error, glad your blog helped me out. Great work!

  3. That solved my issue. Like Mike Congdon, I set the values for both DacFxPath and DacFxDependenciesPath as C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin.

    Thanks Naveed

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